Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ovedue Mail

I'll start this post with a great big... SIGH... I am THE WORST when it comes to keeping up with mail. I'm bad at sending it. I'm bad at sorting it. Sometimes I'm even bad at just plain remembering to go get it (although the anticipation of new Netflix movies is helping with this). But, I'm by far the worst at taking care of any mail that comes that I am supposed to fill out and mail back. I don't know why. These things never take more than two minutes a piece and the postage is always paid for, but I will honestly set things aside for MONTHS. The problem is that I don't actually forget about them. I remember that I need to do it... and then I just don't. So, this kind of stuff always stresses me out.

This month I have three mail related items on my list. I need to mail April birthday cards and mail gifts that we have had sitting at our house for a while (one has been here since August). Today I took care of filling out the census and our USAA survey and mailing them both back. One said that it was required by the Federal Government that I participate and the other said that my participation would affect our homeowners insurance renewal rates... so... today I filled them both out and mailed them. I think it took all of FIVE minutes total to fill them both out and put them in their respective envelopes and another two to three minutes to walk to the mailbox. VERY difficult. I really need to stop being so slack on this kind of stuff!

In other news, I started the month off on the right foot and got up at 5:00 a.m. and went to the gym. My neighbor came with me! I liked the extra motivation. After all, I couldn't just leave her standing in her driveway waiting on me at 5:10 in the morning! That would have been a pretty cruel April Fool's joke! She's coming with me again tomorrow though, so I'm grateful to have a friend to go workout with.

Alright, I'm off to watch a movie with the hubby and get to bed! Five a.m. comes around awfully quick!

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