At the beginning of September, I signed up with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training program to run a half marathon. Having not run in years I was pretty much starting from scratch. I trained and raised over $2,500 and was super excited for my race in February...
and then was super let down when it randomly SNOWED in Myrtle Beach the night before the race.
and then was super let down when it randomly SNOWED in Myrtle Beach the night before the race.
However, I wasn't feeling let down for long! Once I found out what my other options were for Team in Training events, I realized I could go to San Diego!!! I've never been there! I'm really super duper excited to run the Rock n' Roll Half Marathon in June! And, as luck would have it, one of my best friends from high school is able to come with me! It was perfect timing because she has a conference out there for work just two days after my race. I was a little nervous about signing on for San Diego because it's an additional financial commitment, but I feel confident I can raise the rest of the money needed.
I've been getting up at 5:00 a.m. most mornings and going to the gym to do my runs. I've lost 15 lbs since the weekend that I would have run in Myrtle Beach. I'm eating better. I'm feeling better running. BUT... I haven't been fundraising. I hadn't even updated my Team in Training donation page since Myrtle Beach. I don't know why I have been so slack on that!
I knew I couldn't leave it to the end of May, so I wanted to make sure it was one of the first things I crossed off my list for this month. I also added a widget to my Facebook page and to this blog. I was blown away by the generosity of friends and family before the Myrtle Beach race date. I raised more money than I ever thought I would. I'm hoping that I can raise the remaining money needed by finding a local business or corporate sponsor to make a donation. Any support (financial or prayers!) is greatly appreciated!
Team in Training is an AWESOME organization and I highly recommend joining for an event near you if you are interested. You won't regret it! I only have 1 month (eek!) until I go to San Diego and I can't wait!!!
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