Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Another Month Down!
So, my husband came back tonight after being away for work for three days. I feel like since he left early Monday morning, that my son has operated on one speed and one speed only... WIDE OPEN... ALL THE TIME! Although he is at a super fun age and I adore his energy and the funny things that come out of his mouth and the way he mimics everything I say and do, I was ready for a little break tonight. Since I'm giving up Starbucks for the month of April, I thought it would be the perfect time for me to take my laptop and go settle in, do my last blog post and enjoy my last Starbucks drink for the next 30 days. Really, I should have just stayed home.
I hauled my laptop in, set up, plugged in, booted up... and then spent 35 minutes trying to connect to their wireless network. I have a user name and password. It recognized it. And every single time it would say REJECTED! Awesome! Plus it was super hot in there... and I was drinking a hot chocolate. So, now I was really annoyed, frustrated and starting to sweat. Finally I gave up, packed up and came home. So here I am. It's 9:30 p.m. I had hoped to be in bed by now since I'll be getting up at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow to go to the gym! (Which by the way I managed to recruit my neighbor to go with me, just by telling her what I had started doing! Imagine that! So, now I have extra motivation to get up, knowing that she'll be waiting in her driveway at 5:10 a.m. to meet me!)
Okay, so... this afternoon I broke down all of the paperboard boxes in our recycling bin. Tomorrow is trash and recycling day and I'm hoping they will (finally) take our paper! I'm hoping that the only reason they keep leaving it because the boxes weren't broken down, but we'll find out tomorrow!
Next, I worked on my task list for Kidzola. So, technically, I'm a work at home Mom. I am the Marketing Manager for this awesome start up company called If you haven't heard of it, you need to check it out. It's an online consignment site for kids stuff, baby gear, kids clothes, toys and maternity clothes! It's free to list items and you can sell locally or nationally (if you are willing to ship). We also have consultants, which is a GREAT work from home job, who take care of consigning items for busy Mom's with too much stuff and not enough time to do it themselves. So, I have felt a little scatterbrained lately with my tasks. I have weekly goals I am supposed to meet for media outlets, Moms groups and websites and blogs to contact. Today I went through my inbox, made my task list and got myself organized! Now I'm all ready to go with a fresh prospective!
And finally, I ordered a dog bed for The Molly Dog. (yes, we really call her THE Molly Dog) We had a $100 gift certificate to L.L. Bean that we had received as a Christmas gift and we decided it would best be spent on a nice dog bed for Molly. We have three lab mixes. Molly is the largest. She weighs about 70 pounds. All three dogs used to sleep in the bed with us (we also had a queen size bed back then). Fun times. Now we have a king size bed and Molly has started sleeping on the floor in our bedroom. All three of the dogs turn 10 years old this year, and we felt like it was time to get Molly her own comfy bed. Since we had $100, we were able to get her the nice fleece lined bed with her name embroidered on it. I know she's going to love it!
And that's it! March is all wrapped up! I can't believe it! I guess it's true that small successes breed larger successes! This whole concept is TOTALLY working for me! Each month that goes by just makes me more excited for the next one to get started!
I Guess I'm Bad At Math... Or Maybe I'm Just Lazy
Okay, well, today I brought a bag of groceries to our church office to help stock the food ministries pantry with needed items and I caulked all of the nail holes in the quarter round. Let me just say that I HATE CAULKING! My severe hatred of caulking began when we were renovating an 1,100 square foot house that we bought in foreclosure three years ago. We re-did pretty much everything. This included tearing down the old rotted disgusting wood siding on all 4 sides of the house and putting up Hardiplank siding ourselves (thank goodness it was a 1 story house!). Nothing makes you hate caulking worse than when you have to caulk the whole exterior of a house... well, that is, until you get inside and have to re-do ALL of the baseboards, crown molding, corner molding... and the list goes on. Then it just plain stinks! However, it's no secret in our household that Matt builds things, installs things and fixes things and I finish them. So, I am officially the caulker, painter, drywall taping, mudding and sanding, color palate chooser, fixture picker-outer and decorator in our relationship!
So, after we installed the hardwood floors downstairs when we moved into our house, it only took nine months before we put the corner molding down. And even that isn't actually ALL done. But, today I dutifully spackled all of those little holes while scooting around my floors in black workout pants and picking up every spec of dirt, dust, pollen and dog hair with my rear end. You would NEVER know I just vacuumed and mopped them yesterday afternoon!
Okay, so I just switched out "painting the door to the storage under the stairs" for something on my April list (which is already done... yay!) because, quite honestly, I can't handle any more painting right now! So, I'm off to break down all of the paperboard boxes in our recycling because I think that is why they are not emptying it on paper recycling day!
My final post of the month will be typed up at Starbucks tonight... where I will be enjoying my last hot chocolate before I swear off Starbucks for the month of April... sigh.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
How To Be Super Productive
1) Don't do any maintenance type cleaning or laundry in your house for, oh, about 2 weeks. Only work on random projects that in no way affect the cleanliness or order of your home. This ensures that your house will not only be cluttered and messy, but also dirty.
2) Sign up to have 6 friends come over for your weekly get together on a night when your husband won't be home to help you cook, clean or watch your child.
3) Do absolutely NO cleaning or prepping the day before you are going to have people over.
4) Take allergy medication and pass out at 9:15 p.m. the night before. Sleep a FULL ten hours. (this part is very important! You'll need the energy!)
5) Make sure that this all coincides with some other deadline. For me, it is finishing this month's list by tomorrow.
6) Put your toddler down for a nap and PRAY over and over and over and over again that he takes one of his longest naps... EVER! (this seemed to really work... I got a full three and a half hours out of him!)
7) Pick one rediculously tedious task and try to complete it in a rediculously short amount of time. For example, I rolled the second coat of paint on all the walls in our master bedroom and hallway in an hour and forty minutes.
8) If you choose your activity right, this will also serve as your workout for the day. I was sweating so much I had to change into just a tank top and my underwear. IF you are painting, do not do what I did and BACK into the freshly painted wall... in your underwear... especially when you are painting the wall a color called MILK CHOCOLATE. It just does not look appropriate on your backside.
9) Say a little prayer when your future sister-in-law shows up early to take your toddler for a walk (and also teaches him to say "cool dude" to all the construction workers in your neighborhood) while you furiously vacuum and steam mop the floors (that have not been cleaned in 2 weeks)
10) In the midst of all of this, also make a caserole from a recipe you've never tried before with slightly vague directions and hope it turns out right, while simultaneously scheduling long overdue appointments.
11) Take very VERY quick shower... greet guests with hair soaking wet... enjoy the fact that no one cares... and have a very enjoyable night with friends.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Date Night
Andy had his very first sleep over at his Uncle Jeff & Aunt Jaime's house! Thankfully, he was very well behaved, slept through the night and didn't give his Aunt Jaime any trouble (because we're really hoping that he's invited back for another sleep over!) So, this sleep over and thus, date night, happened more out of convenience than anything else. Matt had to be at work super early and I had a very early appointment in the morning, so Jaime was going to have to be over at our house at 7:45 a.m. to watch the little guy. We decided it would just be easier for Andy to stay over! You would think we would have been super excited about this... but...
I had been painting for two days straight. I was tired. (still am) I was sore. (still am) AND everything is blooming in the South! My allergies are just RIDICULOUS this year!!! I have not been able to breath through my nose for 2 straight days now, no matter what I try. So, anyway, we put forth our best effort. We tried a little Italian restaurant we had never been to. It was so so. I don't think we'll go back. As Matt said, "for what we paid, I wanted it to be a little more authentic tasting." I agreed. Although, I probably would have settled for just being able to taste anything, really. So we came home, and went to bed, and got up super early, and that was that!
It was really nice to have a dinner out just the two of us though. I'm very grateful and thankful for that!
Okay, so, the painting. T. E. D. I. O. U. S!!! I probably underestimated how big our bedroom is, until I started painting it! There is also this little hallway that leads to our bedroom that I had to paint as well. Plus, I decided to paint it the color "Milk Chocolate"... so it's definitely going to take two coats. I have done two coats of all the edging and still need to roller on the second coat on the walls. I have already gone through a gallon and three quarters! I went out to Lowe's today and bought a 3rd gallon thinking I would paint tonight... TOTALLY forgot that there is no light in there, so I will be cleaning tonight and painting tomorrow during nap time. Of course I'm not complaining that our bedroom is bigger than anything we've ever had before, but I am tired. I have a good friend who just finished sanding faux paneling in her family room, putting on two coats of primer and two coats of paint. She's going to read this and think tedious??!!! Let me tell you about TEDIOUS!!! And she's right. She wins. But I'm still really tired!
I love the color though!!! AND... I got the blinds up on the front facing two windows. Still have 4 more blinds to buy (not this month!) ... sigh... but it's coming together!
I'm just having one of those weeks. And it's only Monday. I feel like I have a ton of stuff to do. I'm super behind on cleaning and laundry. I really need to wipe every single surface of my house down to get rid of the pollen. I'm hosting Stitch n' Bitch tomorrow night and still don't know what I'm making for dinner. But mostly, all I want to do is crawl into my bed and go to sleep. I actually might have done that after I finished this post, but all of our bedding is in the wash and we only have one set of sheets for our bed. THAT needs to go on April's list. Buy second set of king size sheets!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Food Journaling
My plan is to jot down everything after each meal. Since I tend to eat a lot of the same foods, I will most likely only have to figure out point totals once and then use the same thing several times over. I know that I also get extra points for any exercise that I do, but I don't think that I'm going to track that. I'm really proud of myself because I've worked out four days this week so far! I am not sure that has happened at all since Andy was born. I also bought a scale today (eek!) so we'll see what I weight in at over the weekend.
The other thing that I did on my list was to buy all of my April birthday cards. My Mom, husband and three friends have birthdays in April and they always all sneak up on me at once! My goal is to get them all filled out this weekend and in the mail next week. I also had one March birthday card to buy... didn't make that one on time! Oops!
This weekend I will spend pretty much all of my time painting the bedroom. I finally picked out a color. It's called Milk Chocolate. I'm really excited! I know we don't have any furniture in there yet besides our bed, but I'm re-purposing curtain panels that we already own and I think it will make a HUGE difference to just get some paint on the walls and get the curtains up! I also have blinds for the two windows that face the front of the house. The color is dark, but not too dark. The room is pretty big though, so I think it can handle it. I'll post some "after" pictures when I'm all done!
How To Make An Easy Recipe Book
Since they have been piling up in random places around my house, I decided to start an easy recipe book for them all. I know that I could get a lot fancier and a lot cuter... a la my future sister-in-law... who types all of her recipes up on cute little 4x6 cards and puts them in a photo album that has two 4x6 photo slots to a page. Some day I aspire to be as organized as she is! However, I know myself well enough to know that the recipes would still just pile up, waiting to be typed up on the 4x6 cards. So, my solution was to get a pack of the full page self adhesive photo sheets and put them in a binder. Now, when I tear recipes out of a magazine I can just stick them in the photo pages. Super easy! Right now, the only recipes in my book are for main dishes, but as I add desserts and appetizers, etc. I will probably add some tabs so that everything is separated by section. I have a pack of cute dividers left over from a previous project, so I'm good to go there!
It's always fun to try new things! And now I will have no reason to hold onto magazines. I guess I should do the same things with cute ideas for my house that I see, and then I can just recycle magazines right when I'm done with them!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Putting Ourselves First
So, after that I decided I would try getting up at 5:00 a.m. and going to the gym before Matt left for work. I'm greatful that he is getting up with me. It's helping to keep me motivated. I know myself well enough to know that if I wait until after Matt gets home from work to try and go to the gym that I will come up with a million excuses why not to go. Plus, I want to spend time together as a family when he gets home. So, now I'm going to bed about 2 hours earlier, but I gain that time back in the morning before Andy wakes up. It's actually really nice to have this quiet time to start my day, and it sure feels good knowing I don't have to worry about when I'm going to go to the gym because it's already done!
I told Matt last night that I've noticed I am feeling a lot more content and generally happy lately. Things aren't stressing me out as much and I don't feel as anxious about the things I don't get done in a day. I feel like I can attribute that to finally tackling the two major areas of my life that were causing me anxiety - money and health. Now that I am working daily on these two things, I feel like I'm making progress in those areas instead of just ignoring them. It's made a huge difference for me. The other thing that has helped was getting rid of our cable. It's so nice not to have the TV on every night. We've been renting movies and TV shows from Netflix, but don't watch them every night.
I know that I'm only three months into this project, but already I'm seeing the benefits. It's nice to feel like I'm finally becoming the person that I want to be. I call tell that the changes that Matt and I have both made are having an impact on our family and our marriage and it just makes me want to continue! I look forward to how I'll feel in another three months!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Nursery
Well, today was the day! It got a fresh coat of glossy navy blue spray paint and a cute little knob (that I already had on hand). When we had Andy, we were living in our rental house and the nursery wasn't that big (and his nursery now isn't much bigger). Instead of buying a separate changing table, we just got one of those changing table toppers for the top of a dresser that we already had. When he was really little, we kept the wipes and a basket that had cotton swabs, baby powder, diaper rash cream, etc. on top of the dresser. As he has grown taller, he's started to be able to kick the wipes off of the top. The basket hit the road a long time ago when he started pulling everything out of it while we would try and change him!
Andy is quite tall for his age. He consistently falls anywhere between the 98th percentile and greater than 100th percentile for height! However, he still does well being changed on the changing table and it's easier for me than changing him on the floor. So I put this little stand next to the dresser and set the wipes on top. I can't really put anything in the drawer since he can reach it, but I did stash my extra gDiaper inserts underneath. I decided to take pictures of his whole nursery so you can see how we have it laid out. It's nothing special, decorating wise, but we like it, and Andy loves the turtles. We didn't paint it when we moved in, so it's the same boring beige flat paint as 90% of the rest of our house. When he is ready to move out of his crib, he'll actually move into a different room and this will stay the nursery, so we'll do something fun and cute in his "big boy room" and re-evaluate the nursery when we (hopefully) have another baby. If it's a boy, I'm sure it will stay exactly the same, but if it's a girl, then I'd like to do something really cute and girly!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Trying to "Deceptively" Eat Better
Monday, March 22, 2010
Trying to Get Organized
The other thing that is hard is that I'm not just trying to get my house (and life) organized, but am also working on other big, ongoing things like transitioning our eating habits to healthier foods that are less processed and being more active during the day as well as having regular exercise sessions four days a week. I'm realizing that old habits really do die hard. Part of the problem for me is that it takes me so much longer to plan meals and grocery lists, etc. while I'm learning new eating habits and the time it takes is time that I'm not working on something else (like cleaning!) I know that eventually these new habits will become the norm and I won't have to spend so much time on the change itself. It will have just happened before I know it.
So, in the spirit of tackling small (seemingly insignificant) projects, tonight I organized our DVD's and video games. We don't have very many, but the ones we do have were a mess. We actually don't even own a DVD player. We just use the Playstation my husband bought several years ago from a pawn shop. Although, we did have the discussion tonight about how I should look for one on Craig's List and see how cheap I could find it, so I guess I'll start that search this week. Okay, so the DVD's and video games were all over the place in these fabric bins we have in the console table in the family room. Some didn't have cases. Others were missing, but we still had the cases. There were some VHS tapes in there as well, but we no longer have a VCR, so those are now pretty much useless to us. Today I went to Walmart and spent $5 on a CD box to hold my husband's Playstation games. That worked great! I put it on a shelf and stacked the games that were in DVD type cases next to it. Then I neatly stacked our DVD's in one of the bins and put away all of the random toys and books that were mixed into the bins. The whole thing probably took me about 20 minutes. Most of that time was sorting. So, although the rest of the family room (also our playroom) is a mess, at least when you open the cabinet door, the video games that we rarely use are now nice and neatly organized! (note the dusty empty shelf in the last picture... that's where our cable box used to be... completely DO NOT miss it!!!... but maybe I should dust!)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Organizing Instruction Manuals
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Finding Balance
I feel like my views on the food industry in general have been slowly changing over time. I guess maybe it's been since my son started eating solid food and I put more thought into what is going into his body. I've made some changes to our diet, but not nearly enough. It's hard, though, to balance eating less processed foods with sticking to a tight food budget. In general, we eat out a LOT less than we used to, and I know that is a good first step.
Lately, I've just been feeling so disenchanted with so much commercialization surrounding me everywhere. I have just started gravitating towards wanting a more simple life. I know that it is going to be a process. I know I can't change everything at once, but little by little I am trying to rid our lives of all of the excess. Right now, it doesn't feel like I've done a lot, but I know that over time, those little changes will add up.
Tonight I am crossing setting up a receipt box off my list. Well, it's not really a box, but a black zippered envelope I came across when I was searching for that darn gift card! I can't even remember why I originally bought it. I think it was to put receipts in when we were renovating our first house. Well, now it is on our kitchen counter and I told my husband that all receipts, other than gas (because I know what budget category that goes in!), need to go in there. Since I am tracking our expenses in the budget tool in "My Profile" on my Bank of America online banking, I'll go through the receipts once a week and split any that need to be applied to multiple categories. For instance, we will often have groceries, pet food and child needs all on the same receipt and I track those categories separately.
I feel good about this new system. I feel like it's the next step that is needed to really help stick to our budget. If I am paying attention to where we stand on each budget line item throughout the month, I'm less likely to go over.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Gift Card
Saturday, March 13, 2010
My Most Embarrassing Post (thus far!)
Okay, SO... I just posted these pictures of our master bedroom. Horrible, right??!! It totally stresses me out every time I go in there! There really is no excuse. The reason it's like that is because I have nothing to get the room set up and put together. We've never had a room this big or closets this big, so there is all this extra space and no furniture to fill it, and we don't really need dressers in the room (although I think I'll keep this one in there and store linens or something just so that we have something other than the bed in there), I don't have blinds for the windows yet, or bedside tables, or anything to put that TV on (if we even decide to keep it in there) and I don't even have any kind of matching bedding. So, it's kind of just been the room I pretend like doesn't exist. Except that we have to sleep in there every night. Although as long as I'm showing pictures of my room, I might as well admit that sometimes I sleep in the guest room because for one, it's by far the cutest room in the house and two, our mattress is terrible, and the one in the guest room is so comfy! Anyway, I've piled all kinds of stuff in there as I've cleaned other rooms. I've totally been procrastinating cleaning it up, so, I just took pictures and posted them. Now I feel like I HAVE to go and clean it! I need to just get over the fact that it won't be decorated yet, but at least it can be CLEAN!
I should also mention the item I'm crossing off my list. This morning I mailed a photo CD to my mother in-law. My camera had kicked the bucket, so she had given me a free one that she had received when she bought her computer. I told her that I would put all of the pictures she had on the memory card onto a CD for her and send it to her. So, this morning, it went in the mail. Although... I won't actually be needing that camera anymore! Yesterday I bought a "new" camera from someone on Craig's List, for a steal! It's just a point and shoot... I can dream of one day having a digital SLR... but it's much nicer than my old camera! I love it! I have been selling some things from around the house that we don't use anymore on Craig's List to save up to buy my husband's birthday gift and I had some extra so I used it on a camera for myself!
Okay, enough procrastinating... I'm off to CLEAN. THE. BEDROOM! (dragging my feet, kicking and screaming the whole way)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Rainy Day = TOTAL Laziness!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Cleaning Out The Garage

Friday, March 5, 2010
The Keg
So... this keg... has sat... in our garage... SINCE LAST MARCH! It's not like we drove across state lines to get the thing! Total Wine is a fifteen minute drive away from our house. It was only a ten minute drive away from our old house. Yes, we were living in our rental house last March. So, yes, we actually MOVED the keg, on moving day in July in OVER one hundred degree heat!!!! Because somehow it was easier to relocate it to our new garage than to actually return it. That makes perfect sense.
Well, this week, Matt started working on cleaning out our garage. That garage is the shame of our house right now... well, tied with our master bedroom... but we'll get there. So, I told him to just put the stupid keg in the back of the car and I'd take it this week. The other bonus to getting the keg out of our house is that we had paid a deposit. Which I got back today. Thirty dollars on the keg and thirty dollars on the tap!!!!! SIXTY DOLLARS!!! I had no clue! I thought it was only $25 or $30 total. I would have done that a long time ago!
The lady at Total Wine pulled our information and read the date, looked at me and said with disbelief "This was a YEAR ago??!!!" What??!! No one else takes a year to return a keg? Come on! We can't be the only ones! Right? RIGHT????!!!! She was looking at me like 'what kind of crazy person holds onto an empty keg for a year and then actually returns it?!' Well, a girl on a mission! That's who! And thanks for my sixty bucks back!!!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Team in Training
Well, this has probably turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Instead of Myrtle Beach, I will now be going to run the Rock n' Roll half marathon in San Diego in June!!! I only need to raise $400 more to go to San Diego and I know I can do it. I also know how much I will benefit from the additional training. I was going to complete the race in Myrtle Beach by doing run/walk intervals, however, with 14 additional weeks to train, my new goal is to be able to run the entire race. I'm excited about recommitting to my training.
Unfortunately, my husband can't come with me to San Diego, but one of my best friend's from high school has a conference for work just 2 hours away the week after the race, so she's flying out early to come with me and one of my best friends from college just won a $250 gift certificate on Southwest Airlines for donating old bridesmaid dresses to charity, so I'm hoping (fingers crossed!) that she decides to use it to come to San Diego too!!! Either way, it will be a great time and an experience that I know will be one I will look back on fondly.
So, tonight I filled out all the new paperwork to be able to do the race in San Diego and took it to the mail box. Then I typed up and printed out my donation request letter for Matt's boss. He had mentioned to Matt that they could make a corporate donation if I submitted a letter. So, that is now sitting on the counter with Matt's wallet, cell phone and keys to take to work with him in the morning.
It feels good to cross those two things off my list and recommit myself to such an important cause!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Bye Bye Cable TV!
So, today I made the call to the cable company. WOW. They will do and say just about anything to get you to stay! I was on the phone with them for about thirty minutes. The lady kept putting me on hold and then coming back with some new offer until FINALLY she tells me that they can't disconnect my service until I turn in my DVR cable box to the nearest location. Which happens to close in thirty minutes. This makes no sense to me since I know that they have no problem disconnecting service if you don't pay your bill, but, whatever. I hustled on down to the cable place and got there literally 2 minutes before they closed, turned in our cable box, the remote and the power cords... and that was that! Now we will be paying $50 less per month for something we were definitely NOT getting $50 worth of enjoyment out of! Now... we'll see what happens when football season rolls around again...
Since I was on a roll, I called the cell phone company as well and reduced the number of minutes we have to use every month. We have a home phone with unlimited long distance, so it's just silly for us to have anything other than the minimum number of minutes to share on our phones. We don't have data plans or anything, but we do have the text package. I like to text. A lot. I also like to talk. A whole lot. BUT... the people I do most of my talking to are also on Verizon so it's always free for me to talk to them as much as my little heart desires. The biggest change for me will be using the home phone for all of my other calls. We didn't have home phone service for over 7 years, so I'm so used to just using my cell phone for everything, but now that I'm home pretty much all the time, there is just no reason not to just use the home phone. So, our cell phone bill will drop by $35. All in all, that's $85 a month!!! A HUGE savings and I have a feeling we aren't going to feel like we sacrificed anything.
How to Make Your Own Wipes

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Dreaded Tax Appointment
So, after collecting all of the other necessary paperwork (having sold a rental home and purchased a new primary residence) in 2009, apologizing over and over again to my husband, and kicking myself for not taking care of all of this earlier today when I could have actually gone to the bank and gotten a print out or at least CALLED them, we left... 10 minutes late... for our tax appointment. After we had gotten 2 miles or so down the road I realized that I had forgotten the check book. So, we turned around, went back home, I got the check book and we headed to our appointment... 20 minutes late! Then when we got there, we realized we also didn't have my student loan tax statement. Uggh! So now I have to e-mail the information for both to our tax lady tomorrow. Next year I'm making a checklist of all the tax forms we need and I'll check them off as we receive them in the mail. That should make me less scatterbrained!
Trust me when I say that if I had pictured a night out with my husband and without our son, it would NOT have gone like this!
Anyway, I'm tired and lazy tonight so I picked the two things on my list that I could do while parked right in front of the computer! I ordered checks and I made a hotel reservation. I pay most of our bills through Bank of America's Bill Pay, so I don't use checks very often. For 9 months now, the checks I did have had our old address on them, and for the past month, I've been completely out of checks for our main account. If I have had to write a check (like to pay the tax lady tonight) I have written it out of another account and have to transfer the money out of our main account, over to that account. Very efficient. I know. But, on or about March 15th, I should have 2 nice little boxes of checks arriving in my mail box... in a very boring blue color... because that is what was the cheapest!
I also needed to make a hotel reservation for the weekend of my brother's wedding. Even though he is getting married in Charleston, we still wanted to stay the night at the hotel downtown where the reception will be. I've been holding off on making our reservation because I was hoping a good deal would come along since the rooms are a little pricey, but, that hadn't happened yet, so tonight I Googled "promotional codes" for this hotel and found one that saved me 10% off our room! I actually booked it for two nights because I know the bride doesn't know where she is staying yet... and since I'm the Matron of Honor, I'm really hoping that now she will stay with me the night before the wedding, as my gift to her, instead of bunking in with whichever family member has the extra space.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Hello March!
The other thing that has been a lot of fun for me this last month has been watching the changes in my husband. He has been more motivated than I have seen him in a really long time (as I'm sure he is thinking the same thing about me) and I think that clearing the cobwebs out of our life has brought us closer together. We both seem to have a lot less anxiety. We still have a lot to work on as far as our eating and exercise habits go, but I feel like the more of the "other things" we are taking care of in our lives, the more space it is freeing up to focus on our health.
Last month I lost TEN pounds! I'm so happy about that! This month I hope to lose another ten more. I did indulge in some baked goods today though... in a really fun way! My future sister-in-law brought me eight wedding cake samples to try on her way home from her bakery appointment! It was a lot of fun having eight bites of different yummy cakes. She also brought me this really cute little wooden carved "Love" decoration in this pretty deep red color (which is the accent color in my finally put together living room) just because she saw it thought it would look cute on my shelf! She's the best! I love it! It was the final little touch that our new built-in shelves needed.
I guess tonight I'm feeling very blessed, proud and encouraged to tackle the next thirty one resolutions on my list!