Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What I've Accomplished So Far!


Give up Coke for the whole month ~ THIRTY ONE DAYS! WHOO HOO!

Mail Team in Training letters

Put reusable grocery bags in car

Write Christmas Thank-you notes

Follow up with health insurance on MRI bill

Pack up, organize & store Christmas decorations

Make a vet appointment for Callie

Drink a cup of green tea every night

Paint half bath

Start taking my Metformin every day

Organize Pantry

Unpack Farm dishes

Organize gift cards in change purse from Grammy

Make a trip to Goodwill with items to donate

Finish linking all accounts to BOA "My Portfolio"

Don't eat out for 1 week

Establish maintenance schedule for rental properties

Organize tupperware and lower cabinets

Sort through crochet bag

Sort and organize ALL paperwork (in dresser, kitchen & file cabinet)

Set up recycling bins

Take clothes to the dry cleaners

Organize coat closet

Start a family activity calendar

Update Baby Book

Start a "Household Management Binder"

Set up a "Birthday Calendar"

Clean out keychain

Order wedding photos

Walk or run 6 days per week

Brush dogs every day for a week

1 comment:

  1. Hello, your blog very nice, your baby look very nice too,
